About - Stoic Jiu Jitsu | Toronto, Ontario

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"If you have a book, you have a friend."

                                                                              - Douglas Wright


It was Professor Sean's grandfather that introduced him to the joy of reading. Because of Sean's particular Autistic challenges around language acquisition, young Sean would have to sit with a book of choice on his left knee and a thesaurus on his right, looking up every third or fourth word just to understand what he was reading. Each book he read took a very, very long time to finish, but little Sean lived for the moment he could discuss the books he was reading with his grandfather, who always had amazing insights. While this type of obstacle would feel insurmountable to most, Sean's determination to overcome his disability to learn to read any type of book created the foundation for the challenge-seeking mindset that we embody at Stoic Jiu Jitsu. 

At Stoic Jiu Jitsu, we believe reading is an infinite gateway to personal growth. Not only from the knowledge gained through consuming the content in books, we also gain invaluable neurological growth from the physical act of reading. As we benefit mentally, physically, and spiritually from seeking challenges through practicing Martial Arts, so to do we benefit from finding new words, new ideas, and new concepts in the books we read. Reading is never wasted time, as every book has something to teach us.  

* All members of Stoic Jiu Jitsu receive $5 off of their membership for every book that they read  

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