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Sean Leal

Sean Leal photo Sean Leal
  • Black Belt

Professor Sean Leal is a proud Autistic father and husband. He has competed in Jiu Jitsu at the local and international level, as well as in professional MMA. Professor Sean has been training in striking arts for over twenty years, and has a black belt in Judo (China), and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Canada). He has been teaching both grappling and striking arts in a practical self-defense context for over ten years.

Professor Sean has worked in the field of security for over twenty years, and his experience ranges from asset protection and loss prevention to personal protection (bodyguard) work and nightclub security training and management. Additionally, he has over ten years experience in Personal Training and is a certified Fascial Stretch Therapist. To learn more about Professor Sean and the fascinating life experiences that inform the Stoic Jiu Jitsu curriculum, his three volume autobiography can be found here.


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